Kumpulan 50 kata-kata Goodbye 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris yang penuh kenangan. Sambut tahun baru dengan harapan dan semangat baru.

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50 Kata-Kata Goodbye 2024 Bahasa Inggris Sambut Tahun Baru

Ilustrasi Goodbye 2024. foto/istockphoto

tirto.id - Tahun 2024 segera berlalu, meninggalkan jejak kenangan yang penuh cerita. Menyambut tahun baru 2025, banyak orang mulai merangkai kata untuk mengucapkan perpisahan yang manis pada tahun ini.

Tidak hanya menjadi bentuk ekspresi diri, kata-kata goodbye 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris sering digunakan untuk menghiasi postingan media sosial. Ucapan ini bisa berupa pesan penuh harapan, motivasi, atau sekadar mengenang momen istimewa di tahun yang berlalu.

Dengan memanfaatkan ungkapan bahasa Inggris di postingan media sosial bisa memberikan kesan universal dengan jangkauan pengguna internasional. Kini saatnya merangkai pesan terbaik untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada 2024 dan menyambut tahun baru dengan optimisme.

Kumpulan Kata-Kata Perpisahan dengan Tahun 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris

Resolusi Tahun Baru DiajengResolusi Tahun Baru Diajeng. foto/istockphoto

Kumpulan ucapan perpisahan dengan tahun 2024 berikut mengandung makna mendalam. Ucapan-ucapan ini mengajak kita untuk merenungkan perjalanan yang telah dilalui dan menyambut tahun baru dengan penuh harapan.

Setiap ucapan mengungkapkan perasaan beragam, dari rasa syukur atas segala pelajaran yang diberikan oleh tahun yang lalu hingga semangat menyambut peluang dan tantangan baru yang akan datang.

Berikut ini kumpulan kata-kata perpisahan dengan tahun 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris.

  1. "Every ending marks the start of something new, so let’s celebrate this transition!"
  2. "Farewell 2024, and a warm welcome to 2025!"
  3. "As the clock ticks toward midnight, let’s leave 2024 behind and embrace the future with open arms."
  4. "The old year steps aside, paving the way for a new beginning. Remember, you are the author of your next chapter."
  5. "As we part ways with 2024, let’s bring its lessons and memories with us into the bright horizons of 2025."
  6. "One chapter closes as another begins. Here’s to the exciting adventures waiting for us in 2025!"
  7. "Saying goodbye to 2024 is like turning over a new leaf. Let’s face 2025 with strength, wisdom, and enthusiasm."
  8. "Though 2024 ends, its moments and lessons remain in our hearts as we stride into the opportunities of 2025."
  9. "May we strive to be better and do greater things in 2025!"
  10. "As we bid farewell to 2024, let’s carry forward the lessons and embrace the endless possibilities of 2025."
  11. "Cheers to closing a chapter and starting anew! Goodbye, 2024, and welcome, 2025. Let this year be full of blessings and achievements."
  12. "Farewell, 2024! May the coming year bring us even more joy, success, and meaningful experiences."
  13. "Goodbye, 2024! As a new chapter begins, may it be filled with happiness, opportunities, and dreams coming true."
  14. "As we say goodbye to 2024, let’s step into 2025 with open hearts and positive energy, ready for the adventures ahead."
  15. "Here’s to new beginnings! Farewell, 2024. May 2025 be a year of growth, love, and exciting opportunities."
  16. "Leaving 2024 behind is the start of a fresh journey. May 2025 bring prosperity, peace, and success to all."
  17. "As 2024 comes to a close, let’s celebrate its memories while welcoming the endless potential of the year ahead."
  18. "As we leave the last moments of 2024 behind, let’s embrace the new possibilities ahead. Here’s to an amazing 2025!"
  19. "Goodbye, 2024! You have been filled with both victories and challenges. Now, we turn the page to a new chapter in 2025."
  20. "As the clock strikes midnight, we say farewell to 2024. May the lessons and memories guide us toward a brighter year ahead."
  21. "2024 is now a chapter in our story. Let’s step into 2025 with hope, gratitude, and excitement for the future."
  22. "With the closing of 2024, we welcome 2025. Let’s take the experiences and wisdom from this year into a new beginning."
  23. "Here’s to a new year and another opportunity to make things right."
  24. "The end of one year isn’t truly the end or the start of something new, but a continuation, bringing with it all the wisdom we’ve gained."
  25. "Take a leap of faith and embrace the new year with the belief that amazing things are yet to come."
  26. "The regrets of the past year are simply the envelopes that hold the messages of hope for the year ahead."
  27. "While we cannot go back and change the past, we can always begin anew and create a fresh, promising future."
  28. "I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I like to visualize and plan for what’s ahead."
  29. "Let our resolution for the New Year be this: to stand by each other as compassionate members of humanity."
  30. "When we spend too much time looking back, we might turn around only to find the future has passed us by."
  31. "Kindness is my prayer for the New Year, not a resolution. I wish for courage to spread it throughout the year."
  32. "An optimist stays up until midnight to celebrate the New Year, while a pessimist stays awake to ensure the old year is truly gone."
  33. "2024, you were a year filled with both obstacles and victories. Now, I’m ready to turn the page to what comes next."
  34. "Saying goodbye to 2024 with a sense of closure and a fresh start ahead."
  35. "As this year comes to an end, I reflect on the moments that shaped me in 2024."
  36. "Bidding farewell to 2024, a year that tested my strength and perseverance."
  37. "2024, you taught me that even in the hardest times, there is always a flicker of hope."
  38. "Goodbye, 2024. You’ve been a year of growth, transformation, and self-discovery."
  39. "With gratitude, I say farewell to 2024, a year that played a significant role in my journey."
  40. "2024, you’ve been a mosaic of experiences, each part contributing to who I am today."
  41. "As I say goodbye to 2024, I carry hope and excitement for the future."
  42. "Farewell to a year that challenged me to grow into a better version of myself."
  43. "Letting go of 2024 emotionally, but holding its memories close as precious treasures."
  44. "2024, you’ve been a year of resilience and growth. Now, I’m ready for the next chapter."
  45. "Goodbye, 2024, but I take with me the strength you’ve instilled in me."
  46. "Saying farewell to 2024 with a mix of nostalgia and excitement for the journey that lies ahead."
  47. "2024, you’ve been a whirlwind of emotions. Thank you for the lessons and unforgettable memories."
  48. "As the clock strikes midnight, I bid a heartfelt goodbye to a year that helped shape who I am."
  49. "Embracing the bittersweet farewell to 2024, feeling grateful for the personal growth it brought."
  50. "Goodbye, 2024. You’ve been an unforgettable chapter in the story of my life."

tirto.id - Edusains

Kontributor: Umi Zuhriyah
Penulis: Umi Zuhriyah
Editor: Yulaika Ramadhani